Philippians 2:3-4

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:3-4

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Forever Young

I can still remember, like it was yesterday, the day we pulled our Honda Civic into the Emergency entrance to Piedmont Hospital. We got Debra into a wheelchair and began speaking with a maternity nurse about check in procedures. She had been experiencing a contraction when we came in so we began walking down the hall to the elevator. As we waited for the doors to open she began to have another contraction (in much less than the 5 minute duration they told us meant imminent birth). The nurse was so alarmed we turned and RAN down the hall on an alternate route to the next floor. Within a few hours Lauryn was born. I can still remember the overwhelming fear that engulfed me... "Will the baby be healthy?" "Will I be a good parent?" "Is Debra OK?" "Am I really ready to grow up?".

After the birth, and after making sure Debra was OK I moved over to the bassinet where they were doing the initial checkup on our new daughter. I looked down at her tiny body, at those tiny toes and fingers and reached my hand towards her. She quieted, turned her head, looked me straight in the eyes and reached out with her tiny hand, grasping my finger. At that moment I knew that whatever it took, I would be up to the task. Taking care of my daughter for those few years where her welfare was in my hands was a responsibility I was ready for. Somehow God knows us better than we know ourselves. It is an awesome feeling when he gently steps in and assures us.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

I Hope You Dance...

The relationship between parent and child is not always a smooth path. In the end however there should always be a focus on trying to train your most precious creation in the ways of the world. The best possible outcome is to somehow meld the characteristics of friendship, adviser, coach, authority and fan in such a way that at that time when they step into the world they have the skill and the confidence to succeed... In whichever definition of that word they have chosen. The rest of the path is theirs to forge. Your love and confidence and advice will be the tools at their disposal to create the life they desire. Our gift will be in the watching, as those things play out over the years...

Friday, December 23, 2011

My Wish for You...

Over the next few days I will be sharing a few inspirational songs that express my hopes for a long and happy road for my daughter as she moves on. We have been blessed to have her with us for these fleeting years. As she begins to explore the larger world my wish is that she embrace the journey with the excitement and wonder that she has always embodied...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

She's All Grown Up

My beautiful 21 year old daughter is moving out of state the day after Christmas. I am so proud of all that she has become, and am overjoyed at the opportunities she is about to embrace as she begins to write the story of her life... her life independent. As I look back over our time together I cherish all of the memories. This day comes for all parents eventually. I am truly blessed that it comes for us as a joyful celebration, a doorway into a bright and glorious life out there in the real world. I am so happy in the knowledge that Jesus will be with her wherever she goes.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Worth the Time...

As part of my job I am "blessed" to be tasked with upkeep on two company blogs. Part of that responsibility entails that I constantly research throughout my links, feeds, sources and other blogs for material... and upon not finding any, at least get some ideas that set me to writing in a somewhat interesting manner. (Sometimes I amuse myself with run-on sentences as well) Across the top of my browser are 12 folders that contain all of the most recent feeds from many of my chosen relevant sources. Beyond that I have several icons on my desktop, am subscribed to many, many e-mail blogs, and then use the website which I have programmed with my interests, and it serves up unique content as fast as I can click the "Stumble" button. Going even further I have created several web-feeds that compile some of these things into daily e-newspaper type publications using my Twitter accounts (of which I currently manage 4 with over 30,000 followers).

Wow... that was a lot of stuff, just describing a small part of my day. I guess the reason I shared all of that was to give a little weight to the testimonial I am about to give. I have found a website that shares profound articles about how to live life. I find each time I read one of their articles that I forward the link and a portion of the contents to people in my circle that might benefit from the wisdom. Believe me, there is a lot of crap out there (pardon the language but I think you will agree). So when I find a site with genuine help... well I promote it.

The site is If you have some time, click through and read a few posts. You will be better for it...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Is Jesus The Christ?