Philippians 2:3-4

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:3-4

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

There is a Spiritual Battle Going On ...

My children are the most important thing I will ever accomplish in this life. Most people are unaware that our enemy strives every day to ensnare our hearts and minds to things that are of the world. Our society gladly accepts these things as right and true until the point that they are choked on the excess and pride of accumulating insignificant things. God brings us into this world holding a basket into which he will fill our life with joy and happiness beyond our dreams. Too many of us greedily fill the basket ourselves, to the point where we cannot accept the gifts He would have for us. I am committing to my children that I will fight every battle I can to help them break through these enemy lines. I will show them who is the ultimate leader and the Book where all of the answers are written. Then hopefully I will explain the love I have for each of them by reflecting some of the love that God has given to me. After all, what good is love unless you give it away?

Every gift that we are given in this life comes from Him, and the only way we will quit receiving them is to fill our life with other things, or feel that we are unworthy. God loves us despite this unworthiness, and out of our appreciation and gratitude we are called to share His love with others. If I can point my children in the right direction, with His help, they can continue this battle for our family until the day we are all together again. If I leave a legacy in this world, I hope it will be viewed as gratitude and love.