Philippians 2:3-4

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:3-4

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Can You See Him?

I walked out of the hunting cabin this past Saturday evening into the quiet stillness of a country night. The only clouds anywhere were the living, temporary wisps drifting away from me silently as I breathed. I noticed across the starlight lit field that Mars was just breaking the tree line on its way to join the stars above my head. As I followed it’s soon to be path towards the heavens I was stopped in my tracks by the beauty of the clear night. There are stars in the sky! Not just the hundred or so that appear over our city streets and subdivision lights. There are countless stars to see without the help of any telescope. The immensity of the heavens came crashing down on me and tears fell from my eyes as I immediately felt as if in the presence of God himself. In that almost, but not quite audible, powerful voice I “felt” Him say, “This is what is available to you once you clear the distractions from our relationship.”
How easily we lose track of our relationship with Him in the business of every day. We pretend we have close contact. On Sundays we speak with others about what we feel and how we worship. How clouded is the sky before we forget to even look up anymore? How often do we speak glowingly of the stars from memory? Is it possible that our enemy knows this as one of our weaknesses and slowly blows in the haze of business and distraction, imperceptive to us, until we can no longer “see” the wonder of our God? Take a moment and truly look around. Is your life so full you don’t have room or time to live? Focus on what is important. Ask God how to put yourself back in that country field, looking up at the sparkling clear sky in childlike wonder. How great and awesome our God is, if we take the time to really look.