The rain has been unrelenting for hours. Even though it is still early afternoon the dampness seems to have enveloped even the light trying to shine through the ever present clouds. The small crevices under any shelter available still seem almost aquatic because the humidity is so overbearing. The continual crash of raindrops occasionally descends to a quiet as another rumbling distant thunder strike rolls by like a stampede; shaking the ground, as well as your soul.
Has your mood ever felt like this? Have you gotten to the point where it seems logical and even a bit comfortable to pull your knees close to your chin while warming your face with the reflected breath of your exasperated sighs? Have your tears flowed to the point where they no longer seem the exception? That role is now occupied by a grim smile. Even in that place of desolation God is able to reflect in the darkness a glimmer of hope that lights the world. It seems that we sometimes “need” to experience pain to gaze again with fresh wonder on the blessings that abound, if we take the time to look. They are hard to see as we wallow in our pity, but if we will respond to the gentle touch of our spirit and gradually lift our head to peek over our embraced knees, He is there to open the clouds and remind us the sun will someday shine again. It may not be an overwhelming rush of healing to your soul, but it will be enough. The sobbing will be reduced to tears, the tears to a whimper, and the sighs with an inflow of gradually building peace. If you will distinguish his efforts from your personal anguish, the single ray of filtered sunlight may be the hand offered to help you stand again.